What is Holistic Physical Therapy?
Holistic therapy is a practice of physical therapy that focuses on treating the body and mind as a whole instead of one specific area.
The human body is not compartmentalized into joints and muscles. It is an interconnected group of cells and tissue fibers from all different systems. One common thread among all systems is a tissue called fascia. The fascial system forms the membranes around the brain and spinal cord. It is the sheath on the outside of the nerve roots and peripheral nerves. It encases the muscles, forms the muscle bundles, and surrounds the muscle fibers inside the muscles. It becomes part of the periosteum of the bones and it surrounds and supports the internal organs. Fascia is a web like matrix that travels throughout the entire body.
When an injury, trauma, or surgery occurs, the site of impact is not the only place affected on the body. Internal inflammation and restrictions run throughout the body on the fascial system even if it is not at the direct site of the ailment. Holistic physical therapy takes this into account, and treats the whole fascial system and the associated structures instead of focusing on one specific part.
The goal of holistic physical therapy is to heal the entire body and from an injury or ailment through several specialized techniques that promote the regeneration and rehabilitation of the body as a whole.
How does Holistic Physical Therapy differ from traditional Physical Therapy?
Not all physical therapy is created equal.
Traditional physical therapy is based upon the treatment of a closed muscle group with the specific goal of repairing an injury. It is a suitable form of treatment for some patients, but does not address the whole system which leaves the body at a greater risk for reinjury.
A holistic approach to physical therapy is vastly different from the more traditional therapy as it treats the body and mind as a whole instead of only improving the function of one specific part. Because we look at the person as a whole our treatments require less frequent appointments. While a traditional physical therapy office would see you two to three times a week, we see our patients once a week to once every three weeks. Despite the lower frequency we often achieve superior results.
Why choose a Holistic approach?
While recovering from an injury, there are several steps that must be taken in order to ensure that a full recovery takes place. A holistic approach not only focuses on the specific area that is affected, but realizes that the entire body must heal as well.
Whether you are recovering from trauma, post-surgery, or a sports related injury, there is more to your injury than you might realize. The physical inflammation and irritations run deep into the fascial system and can become ingrained in our neurological system if not treated. Traditional physical therapy neglects this aspect of healing, which can leave patients frustrated and wondering why they have lingering symptoms.
What conditions does Holistic Physical Therapy treat?
Concussions and Post Concussion Syndrome
Auto Immune Disorders
Chronic Pain
Chronic Fatigue
Pelvic Floor Dysfunction
Migraines & Headaches
TMJ Dysfunction
Back & Neck Pain
Shoulder Pain
Knee Pain
Pelvic & Hip Pain
Foot & Ankle Pain
Post Surgical Rehabilitation
Sprains & Strains
Sports Injury
Balance & Gait
Neurological Disorders
Infertility and Many More